How Often Should You Replace a Mattress?
Regularly replacing your mattress is essential for your health and wellbeing. After all, how can you expect to get a good night’s sleep on an old bed that offers little support? Knowing when to replace your mattress isn’t obvious, though. (It’s not like they have expiry labels). So, to help you work out whether you need to go shopping or not, we’ve created this guide.
How Often Should You Replace a Mattress?
Are you unsure if your mattress needs replacing or not? You’re not alone. Many people don’t know how often they should be buying a new one.
According to the USA’s Better Sleep Council, mattresses typically have a lifespan of seven to ten years. However, exactly how long one will last depends on a variety of factors.
Factors Effecting Mattress Longevity
While mattresses are made to last a long time, they’re not designed to last forever, and many factors can affect their longevity, including general wear and tear.
Over time, sleeping on a mattress can wear down its springs and memory foam, which can significantly affect its comfort and spinal support. This can lead to poor sleep, back pain and a variety of issues.
Additionally, hygiene can also become a problem. Years of sweat, spills, dust and more can greatly affect the health of your mattress. And, as mattresses are notoriously difficult to clean, the only option may be to replace it.
Of course, before you reach this stage, there are ways to prolong the life of your mattress, including using protectors, regularly washing bedding and rotating your mattress. However, buying a high-quality mattress off the bat is what makes the most difference.
High-Quality Mattresses
A high-quality mattress may come with a high price tag, but it can be well worth the money. After all, a mattress that is well made can last significantly longer than one that is poorly constructed.
In general, most good mattresses only require replacement every ten years, meaning you can sleep on them eight hours every night for a decade before needing to buy a new one. Not bad value, right?
Low-Quality Mattresses
When it comes to mattresses, you often get what you pay for. So, if you buy a cheap mattress, you’ll likely be sacrificing quality, which can be detrimental to your mattress’s longevity. In other words, your bed might feel comfortable at first then quickly deteriorate, requiring replacement sooner than you anticipated.
Instead of the ten-year life expectancy offered by many high-quality mattresses, low-quality options can require replacement in five years or less. Be sure to factor in this consideration when buying a new bed.
BedGuard Mattresses
At BedGuard, we pride ourselves on creating high-quality mattresses with a life expectancy exceeding ten years. In fact, our mattresses even come with a manufacturer’s guarantee of five years, so you can be sure you’re buying wisely.
What makes our mattresses so long-lasting is a combination of their expert construction and special waterproof design. So, along with being durable, our mattresses are also exceptionally hygienic, preventing sweat, spills, dust mites and more from affecting the interior. And they’re also double-sided, which allows you to maintain even wear to increase longevity.
For larger individuals, BedGuard also offers specially designed bariatric mattresses. Unlike regular mattresses, our bariatric options are built to suit big bodies, lasting up to ten years or more without losing their comfort and support.
Without a doubt, regularly replacing your mattress is important. But, just how often you need to replace it depends on a variety of factors, not least of which is quality.
BedGuard sells high-quality mattresses that are made to last. Visit our online store to find out more about our products.