Surviving the toddler toilet training years
Toddler toilet training. It’s a stage that can bring excitement and apprehension, pride and frustration – and up until recently a lot of sleepless nights. While my dear Cheeky Monkey is wonderful during the day, being a deep sleeper, it’s easy for him to have little accidents – and not so little accidents through the night.
Even despite having a waterproof mattress protector on his bed, more often than not the mattress would still get wet, which meant it wasn’t as simple as changing the sheets, cleaning him up and putting him back to bed. Instead we’d have to clean the mattress and bring him in with us, which equates to 5cms of bed for me and very little sleep!
With this being somewhat of a regular occurrence lately, you can imagine my relief when I heard about BedGuard mattresses and their unique protection system designed to repel liquid, odour, stains and bed bugs. To this sleep deprived mother stuck smack bang in the middle of the toddler toilet training years it sounded perfect, though I have to admit I did wonder if it was a little too good to be true. But the first night Cheeky Monkey tried it the mattress stayed dry during an accident. So I thought I’d see how it would go without the waterproof mattress protector on and sure enough it still stayed dry. With my curious nature getting the better of me, I decided to pour water straight on the mattress to see what it would do. Here’s what happened…
The water just bubbled and stayed on the top of the mattress without soaking through. One quick wipe with a paper towel got it straight off – and the mattress was still completely dry. I was honestly amazed. Not only does it deliver on its promises to repel liquid, stains and odour, making it longer lasting and more clean and hygienic, it is also incredibly comfortable and meticulously made, making it the perfect first mattress for your little one. With no more frantic mattress cleaning in the middle of the night and no more sleeping on a tiny amount of bed with a restless toddler, I can highly recommend BedGuard. So whether you are looking at buying your little ones first bed, going through the toilet training years or need to upgrade a mattress, be sure to check out the BedGuard range and visit them on Facebook and YouTube. As a special offer for Adventures and Misadventures of a Mummypreneur readers BedGuard is offering $30 off each mattress you order – to take advantage simply email me and I will send you through the discount registration details.
Amanda x